Our Pastor

Paul J. Arcand II was born on December 14, 1970 in Fairfax, Virginia. He was raised in a Christian home in Southern Maryland. As a young boy he received Christ as his personal Saviour following a week of Vacation Bible School. Pastor Arcand was married on October 21, 1994. He and his wife, Amber, have been happily serving God together for over twenty-five years. They have one daughter, Emma, who was born on December 23, 2003.
Prior to his founding of Lighthouse Baptist Church, Pastor Arcand served on church staff at Calvary Road Baptist Church of Clinton, Maryland for seven years. After completing Bible college training, he returned to his home church. With a desire to make a difference in the Baltimore region, he was ordained and sent out by Calvary Road Baptist Church. Pastor Arcand founded Lighthouse Baptist Church of Pasadena, Maryland in 2001 and has been the senior pastor since its founding.